Holistic room concepts

We create holistic room concepts with the focus on your

personal style, your wishes and needs as well as the optimal room functionality. We develop well-thought-out floor plans, exciting furnishing, color and lighting concepts for you.

By planning our own designs, our concepts gain additional flexibility and individuality. The facility is tailored to your personal size. We are also happy to develop ideas for the interior design of your rooms and take care of unusual materials and surfaces. Whether in the kitchen, bathroom or living room, we support you.

After planning, implementation follows. Through our professional network consisting of all required trades and other partner companies, we make our vision a reality. We are committed to the completion of your project and organize the entire process for you. We are there for you in the areas of home staging, furnishing advice and office staging.


Feel free to contact us for a first non-binding conversation:

Phone: +49 (0) 17624002158

E-Mail: info@nordic-design.de


Nordic Design


Marianne Leveringhaus

Asternweg 6

51503 Rösrath

T. +49 2205 920 59 11

F. +49 2205 920 59 12

M. +49 176 240 021 58


Besuchen Sie uns auch auf:


Nordic Design


Marianne Leveringhaus

Bensberger Straße 271

51503 Rösrath

T. +49 2205 920 59 11

F. +49 2205 920 59 12

M. +49 176 240 021 58


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